
Institutional Commitment, Transparency, Coordination, and Accountability

Leadership Commitment

  • Develop a statement of shared principles for diversity, equity and inclusion for all members of our University community. As part of planned review of University mission and institutional learning outcomes, consider how this commitment may be realized in these foundational statements. 
    • Overseen by: Elizabeth Garcia, Executive Director of the Office of Equity and Diversity
    • Item Status: Complete.
    • Update:  A subcommittee of the Council for Diversity and Inclusion (“CDI”)
      researched shared principles statements from other institutions of
      higher education. The subcommittee drafted set of principles that
      was submitted to Cabinet. Cabinet reviewed, revised, and approved
      the University Shared Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility
      Principles at a Cabinet meeting in Fall 2023. The principles are
      located on the EDI Website.
  • Investigate internal resources, and consider examples from peer and aspirant institutions, to recommend a structure to oversee and coordinate the iimplementation of the Plan, and connect this work to that of others engaged in diversity and inclusion efforts throughout the University.
    • Overseen by: Michelle Maldonado, Provost and Sr. Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Patricia Tetreault, Vice President of Human Resources
    • Item Status: Complete.
    • Updates: 
      • A subcommittee of CDI, led by Maldonado and Tetreault,
        examined peer and aspirant institutions, and proposed certain
        recommendations to certain Vice Presidents. The recommendations
        resulted in Academic Affairs hiring a Student Success Specialist to
        focus on First Generation and Historically underrepresented student
        in the Office of Student Support and Success (OSSS). Additionally,
        the library hired Student Success librarian who will focus on similar
      • Additionally, the Cultural Center Assistant Dean is a new position
        in Student Life (Fall 2022) that will, in part, seek to connect with
        colleagues working on the plan to ensure the Center’s diversity and
        inclusion efforts complement other efforts around the University.
  • Establish clear expectations for the support of campus diversity, equity and inclusion goals in all administrative and academic units, from the department level to the Board of Trustees, and prioritize sufficient and sustainable resources for this work. 
    • Overseen by: University Cabinet
    • Item Status: Work in progress.
    • Updates: 
      • Board of Trustees embarked on creating support for diversity,
        equity, and inclusion by engaging in a day of DEI training in the
        Winter of 2022. The training included outside speakers and the
        completion of the AJCU’s racial examen. Upon completion of the
        training, the Board of Trustees committed personal financial
        resources for DEI work and the Opening Door Scholarship. The
        Governance Committee of the Board is working to continue to
        diversify the Board of Trustees.
      • The Provost and Executive Director for the Office of Equity and
        Diversity regularly to meet with Divisional Vice Presidents, Deans
        and other Administrators to advance, support and encouraged DEI
        work, including identifying and assigning oversight of certain plan
        goals and objectives.
      • In 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, the Division of Student Life set
        goals related to DEI to help advance the Campuswide Plan.
        For 2023-2024, the goal reads "Foster an inclusive
        community that is committed to social justice and grounded in
        Ignatian ideals by: supporting students from historically
        underserved backgrounds through intentional initiatives and
        programs; and offering initiatives and programs to generate
        awareness and respect and inspire action on the part of
  • Expand opportunities for worship, retreat, fellowship and mentorship, and service that emphasize and explore the role of diversity and inclusion in our Catholic, Jesuit mission for students, faculty, staff, and other members of the University community. 
    • Overseen by: Daniel Cosacchi, Vice President for Mission and Ministry
    • Item status:
    • Update:
      • The Jesuit Center book club for faculty on racial justices has
        read Caste," by Isabel Wilkerson, "The Second: Race and Guns
        in a Fatally Unequal America," by Carol Anderson, and "So You
        Want to Talk About Race," by Ijeoma Oluo.
      • The First Year Faculty Ignatian Workshop focuses on a
        monthly unit on racial justice and mission.
      • One of the yearly Spirituality Luncheons intentionally focuses
        on women and race.
      • Incorporation of inclusion discussions and principles into
        Search retreats offered by the Division of Mission and
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