

Quick reference for all default options as defined in the source:

Quick reference for all default options as defined in the source:

var defaults = {
  // Close existing modals
  // Set this to false if you do not need to stack multiple instances
  closeExisting: false,

  // Enable infinite gallery navigation
  loop: false,

  // Horizontal space between slides
  gutter: 50,

  // Enable keyboard navigation
  keyboard: true,

  // Should allow caption to overlap the content
  preventCaptionOverlap: true,

  // Should display navigation arrows at the screen edges
  arrows: true,

  // Should display counter at the top left corner
  infobar: true,

  // Should display close button (using `btnTpl.smallBtn` template) over the content
  // Can be true, false, "auto"
  // If "auto" - will be automatically enabled for "html", "inline" or "ajax" items
  smallBtn: "auto",

  // Should display toolbar (buttons at the top)
  // Can be true, false, "auto"
  // If "auto" - will be automatically hidden if "smallBtn" is enabled
  toolbar: "auto",

  // What buttons should appear in the top right corner.
  // Buttons will be created using templates from `btnTpl` option
  // and they will be placed into toolbar (class="fancybox-toolbar"` element)
  buttons: [

  // Detect "idle" time in seconds
  idleTime: 3,

  // Disable right-click and use simple image protection for images
  protect: false,

  // Shortcut to make content "modal" - disable keyboard navigtion, hide buttons, etc
  modal: false,

  image: {
    // Wait for images to load before displaying
    //   true  - wait for image to load and then display;
    //   false - display thumbnail and load the full-sized image over top,
    //           requires predefined image dimensions (`data-width` and `data-height` attributes)
    preload: false

  ajax: {
    // Object containing settings for ajax request
    settings: {
      // This helps to indicate that request comes from the modal
      // Feel free to change naming
      data: {
        fancybox: true

  iframe: {
    // Iframe template
      '<iframe id="fancybox-frame{rnd}" name="fancybox-frame{rnd}" class="fancybox-iframe" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay; fullscreen" src=""></iframe>',

    // Preload iframe before displaying it
    // This allows to calculate iframe content width and height
    // (note: Due to "Same Origin Policy", you can't get cross domain data).
    preload: true,

    // Custom CSS styling for iframe wrapping element
    // You can use this to set custom iframe dimensions
    css: {},

    // Iframe tag attributes
    attr: {
      scrolling: "auto"

  // For HTML5 video only
  video: {
      '<video class="fancybox-video" controls controlsList="nodownload" poster="{{poster}}">' +
      '<source src="{{src}}" type="{{format}}" />' +
      'Sorry, your browser doesn\'t support embedded videos, <a href="{{src}}">download</a> and watch with your favorite video player!' +
    format: "", // custom video format
    autoStart: true

  // Default content type if cannot be detected automatically
  defaultType: "image",

  // Open/close animation type
  // Possible values:
  //   false            - disable
  //   "zoom"           - zoom images from/to thumbnail
  //   "fade"
  //   "zoom-in-out"
  animationEffect: "zoom",

  // Duration in ms for open/close animation
  animationDuration: 366,

  // Should image change opacity while zooming
  // If opacity is "auto", then opacity will be changed if image and thumbnail have different aspect ratios
  zoomOpacity: "auto",

  // Transition effect between slides
  // Possible values:
  //   false            - disable
  //   "fade'
  //   "slide'
  //   "circular'
  //   "tube'
  //   "zoom-in-out'
  //   "rotate'
  transitionEffect: "fade",

  // Duration in ms for transition animation
  transitionDuration: 366,

  // Custom CSS class for slide element
  slideClass: "",

  // Custom CSS class for layout
  baseClass: "",

  // Base template for layout
    '<div class="fancybox-container" role="dialog" tabindex="-1">' +
    '<div class="fancybox-bg"></div>' +
    '<div class="fancybox-inner">' +
    '<div class="fancybox-infobar"><span data-fancybox-index></span>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<span data-fancybox-count></span></div>' +
    '<div class="fancybox-toolbar">{{buttons}}</div>' +
    '<div class="fancybox-navigation">{{arrows}}</div>' +
    '<div class="fancybox-stage"></div>' +
    '<div class="fancybox-caption"><div class=""fancybox-caption__body"></div></div>' +
    '</div>' +

  // Loading indicator template
  spinnerTpl: '<div class="fancybox-loading"></div>',

  // Error message template
  errorTpl: '<div class="fancybox-error"><p>{{ERROR}}</p></div>',

  btnTpl: {
      '<a download data-fancybox-download class="fancybox-button fancybox-button--download" title="{{DOWNLOAD}}" href="javascript:;">' +
      '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18.62 17.09V19H5.38v-1.91zm-2.97-6.96L17 11.45l-5 4.87-5-4.87 1.36-1.32 2.68 2.64V5h1.92v7.77z"/></svg>' +

      '<button data-fancybox-zoom class="fancybox-button fancybox-button--zoom" title="{{ZOOM}}">' +
      '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18.7 17.3l-3-3a5.9 5.9 0 0 0-.6-7.6 5.9 5.9 0 0 0-8.4 0 5.9 5.9 0 0 0 0 8.4 5.9 5.9 0 0 0 7.7.7l3 3a1 1 0 0 0 1.3 0c.4-.5.4-1 0-1.5zM8.1 13.8a4 4 0 0 1 0-5.7 4 4 0 0 1 5.7 0 4 4 0 0 1 0 5.7 4 4 0 0 1-5.7 0z"/></svg>' +

      '<button data-fancybox-close class="fancybox-button fancybox-button--close" title="{{CLOSE}}">' +
      '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 10.6L6.6 5.2 5.2 6.6l5.4 5.4-5.4 5.4 1.4 1.4 5.4-5.4 5.4 5.4 1.4-1.4-5.4-5.4 5.4-5.4-1.4-1.4-5.4 5.4z"/></svg>' +

    // Arrows
      '<button data-fancybox-prev class="fancybox-button fancybox-button--arrow_left" title="{{PREV}}">' +
      '<div><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M11.28 15.7l-1.34 1.37L5 12l4.94-5.07 1.34 1.38-2.68 2.72H19v1.94H8.6z"/></svg></div>' +

      '<button data-fancybox-next class="fancybox-button fancybox-button--arrow_right" title="{{NEXT}}">' +
      '<div><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M15.4 12.97l-2.68 2.72 1.34 1.38L19 12l-4.94-5.07-1.34 1.38 2.68 2.72H5v1.94z"/></svg></div>' +

    // This small close button will be appended to your html/inline/ajax content by default,
    // if "smallBtn" option is not set to false
      '<button type="button" data-fancybox-close class="fancybox-button fancybox-close-small" title="{{CLOSE}}">' +
      '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M13 12l5-5-1-1-5 5-5-5-1 1 5 5-5 5 1 1 5-5 5 5 1-1z"/></svg>' +

  // Container is injected into this element
  parentEl: "body",

  // Hide browser vertical scrollbars; use at your own risk
  hideScrollbar: true,

  // Focus handling
  // ==============

  // Try to focus on the first focusable element after opening
  autoFocus: true,

  // Put focus back to active element after closing
  backFocus: true,

  // Do not let user to focus on element outside modal content
  trapFocus: true,

  // Module specific options
  // =======================

  fullScreen: {
    autoStart: false

  // Set `touch: false` to disable panning/swiping
  touch: {
    vertical: true, // Allow to drag content vertically
    momentum: true // Continue movement after releasing mouse/touch when panning

  // Hash value when initializing manually,
  // set `false` to disable hash change
  hash: null,

  // Customize or add new media types
  // Example:
    media : {
      youtube : {
        params : {
          autoplay : 0
  media: {},

  slideShow: {
    autoStart: false,
    speed: 3000

  thumbs: {
    autoStart: false, // Display thumbnails on opening
    hideOnClose: true, // Hide thumbnail grid when closing animation starts
    parentEl: ".fancybox-container", // Container is injected into this element
    axis: "y" // Vertical (y) or horizontal (x) scrolling

  // Use mousewheel to navigate gallery
  // If 'auto' - enabled for images only
  wheel: "auto",

  // Callbacks

  // See Documentation/API/Events for more information
  // Example:
    afterShow: function( instance, current ) {
      console.info( 'Clicked element:' );
      console.info( current.opts.$orig );

  onInit: $.noop, // When instance has been initialized

  beforeLoad: $.noop, // Before the content of a slide is being loaded
  afterLoad: $.noop, // When the content of a slide is done loading

  beforeShow: $.noop, // Before open animation starts
  afterShow: $.noop, // When content is done loading and animating

  beforeClose: $.noop, // Before the instance attempts to close. Return false to cancel the close.
  afterClose: $.noop, // After instance has been closed

  onActivate: $.noop, // When instance is brought to front
  onDeactivate: $.noop, // When other instance has been activated

  // Interaction
  // ===========

  // Use options below to customize taken action when user clicks or double clicks on the fancyBox area,
  // each option can be string or method that returns value.
  // Possible values:
  //   "close"           - close instance
  //   "next"            - move to next gallery item
  //   "nextOrClose"     - move to next gallery item or close if gallery has only one item
  //   "toggleControls"  - show/hide controls
  //   "zoom"            - zoom image (if loaded)
  //   false             - do nothing

  // Clicked on the content
  clickContent: function(current, event) {
    return current.type === "image" ? "zoom" : false;

  // Clicked on the slide
  clickSlide: "close",

  // Clicked on the background (backdrop) element;
  // if you have not changed the layout, then most likely you need to use `clickSlide` option
  clickOutside: "close",

  // Same as previous two, but for double click
  dblclickContent: false,
  dblclickSlide: false,
  dblclickOutside: false,

  // Custom options when mobile device is detected
  // =============================================

  mobile: {
    preventCaptionOverlap: false,
    idleTime: false,
    clickContent: function(current, event) {
      return current.type === "image" ? "toggleControls" : false;
    clickSlide: function(current, event) {
      return current.type === "image" ? "toggleControls" : "close";
    dblclickContent: function(current, event) {
      return current.type === "image" ? "zoom" : false;
    dblclickSlide: function(current, event) {
      return current.type === "image" ? "zoom" : false;

  // Internationalization
  // ====================

  lang: "en",
  i18n: {
    en: {
      CLOSE: "Close",
      NEXT: "Next",
      PREV: "Previous",
      ERROR: "The requested content cannot be loaded. <br/> Please try again later.",
      PLAY_START: "Start slideshow",
      PLAY_STOP: "Pause slideshow",
      FULL_SCREEN: "Full screen",
      THUMBS: "Thumbnails",
      DOWNLOAD: "Download",
      SHARE: "Share",
      ZOOM: "Zoom"
    de: {
      CLOSE: "Schliessen",
      NEXT: "Weiter",
      PREV: "Zurück",
      ERROR: "Die angeforderten Daten konnten nicht geladen werden. <br/> Bitte versuchen Sie es später nochmal.",
      PLAY_START: "Diaschau starten",
      PLAY_STOP: "Diaschau beenden",
      FULL_SCREEN: "Vollbild",
      THUMBS: "Vorschaubilder",
      DOWNLOAD: "Herunterladen",
      SHARE: "Teilen",
      ZOOM: "Maßstab"
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