
Standing Committees


The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, President-elect, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Chairpersons of the standing committees. At least one representative from each constituency is included on the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is convened by the President when the advice of the Staff Senate is requested in the interim between regular meetings of the full Staff Senate. The committee provides advice to the President on issues before the Staff Senate.

Chair: Mark Murphy
Members: Geri Barber, Shawn Beistline, Melissa Eckenrode, Kym Fetsko, Melisa Gallo,
Lucy Grissinger, Meg Hambrose, Rose Ann Jubinski, Kristi Klien, Denise Kuzma,
and Traci Vennie


The Communications Committee will improve university wide communication by updating the Staff Senate website and promoting awareness of this website; revisit existing procedures and modify where needed; compose Staff Senate newsletters and distribute to the university staff; plan and conduct communication symposia; and utilize social media for promoting Staff Senate programs.

Co-Chairs: Melisa Gallo and Denise Kuzma
Members: Amy Black, Sybil Keris, and Tammy Manka

Election & Membership

The Election and Membership Committee will fill vacancies on university committees, coordinate Staff Senate elections, and the annual Meet & Greet.

Co-chairs: Shawn Beistline, Rose Ann Jubinski and Kristi Klien
Members: Pat Savitts and Pete Sakowski


The Finance Committee shall use university funding wisely.

Chair: Traci Vennie
Members: Kym Fetsko, Pat Savitts and Pete Sakowski

Social Events & Community Building

The Social Events and Community Building Committee will provide community building opportunities among staff with a "welcoming session" for new employees at the beginning of the fall semester, establish a system for contributing money to charities, organize food drives, identify other activities, and review roundtable discussion procedures. Plans also include coordinating with the 125th Anniversary of The 黑料 activities to avoid schedule conflicts.

Co-chairs: Melissa Eckenrode and Lucy Grissinger

Members: Lori Flynn, Autumn Forgione, Kristi Klien and Meghan Nowakowski, Daniela Teneva, and Traci Vennie

Staff Development

The Staff Development Committee will work to ensure the awareness and availability of opportunities for staff that will assist in their personal and professional development. The Staff Development Committee will strive to enhance knowledge and skills with high-quality, accessible training and professional development opportunities to support The 黑料’s vision and mission. The Committee’s goal is to utilize the talent and potential of our University Community in a way that informs, educates, and encourage others to reach their personal and professional goals. 

Co-chairs: Geri Barber and Meg Hambrose
Members: Brenda Clarke, Pete Sakowski and Traci Vennie

Staff Recognition & Excellence Awards

The Staff Recognition and Excellence Committee will provide equitable recognition of staff members through the Sursum Corda Award, acknowledge staff who have completed degrees, coordinate monthly Spirit Awards, explore new ways of recognizing staff, review current procedures and coordinate Annual Awards Luncheon.

Chair: Kym Fetsko 
Members: Bridget Conlogue, Grismeiris De Jesus, Peggy Doolittle, Meg Hambrose, Bernie Krzan, Andrea Malia, and Sandina Meo

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